Living with a Criminal Record

 In Local News

Nearly 1/3 of American’s have a criminal record. That is a massive number when it comes to tainted job applications or finding housing. Many people may feel over burdened by job searching and not know where to begin because of that big “F” (felony) on their record. Many people may think finding a house, or apartment, is impossible due to a criminal conviction. Many people may think expungement is just a nice thought but do not know where to begin.

The truth is, finding employment, housing, or having a crime expunged isn’t all that burdensome. Here at Gierman Law, we strive to not only represent the accused throughout the criminal process, but to help people with a criminal record see the light at the end of the tunnel. We provide information on how to find employment and housing for people with a criminal conviction. We also help people determine if an expungement is a route they can take. Unlike what the article below states, expungements are only hard if you do them on your own. It isn’t that finding employment, housing, or having a crime expunged is hard, it is knowing where to start.

Criminal Defense Attorneys:

Don’t wait any longer. Contact Wanda and Ross for the help you deserve to get back on your feet in society.

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