Flat Fee Representation vs Retainers

FLAT FEE REPRESENTATION VS RETAINERS: Have you been in the position scrolling through countless law firms wondering which one would be best for you? Have you gone into consultations with attorneys and been told that it would be a certain amount of money down for a ‘retainer’? What does a retainer entail? Is that all […]

Parental Drug Use and Foster Care

The problem with being a parent and an addict is solved by taking the parent’s children away…so some may think. However, why is it this Country focuses on asylums, prison and foster care for a solution for parents using controlled substances. Why not focus on remedies? How about if the County removes the child from […]

Home Alone

Summer is coming. A time to be celebrated by all Minnesotan’s. With Summer comes the issue many parents deal with – can they leave their child(ren) home alone? Leaving your child(ren) home alone can either be a positive experience that teaches independence and responsibility, or, it can be a negative experience if your child isn’t […]

Living with a Criminal Record

Nearly 1/3 of American’s have a criminal record. That is a massive number when it comes to tainted job applications or finding housing. Many people may feel over burdened by job searching and not know where to begin because of that big “F” (felony) on their record. Many people may think finding a house, or […]

Tedd Foss Move Over Law

https://minnesota.cbslocal.com/2018/08/01/expanded-move-over-law-takes-effect-wednesday/  Minnesota enacted the Tedd Foss Move Over Law due to the unfortunate event that killed a State Patrol Trooper in 2000 off the shoulder of I-90 in Winona. The Move Over Law for the last 18 years attempted to protect emergency vehicles with flashing lights such as: Ambulance, fire, law [...]

St. Cloud Homeless Shelters

Just last week I saw a client walk out of Stearns County Administration Office after he had just been released from jail. We made eye contact, whereupon, he came over and asked Wanda and I – “where does a homeless guy spend the night?” As a student attorney, and soon to be practicing attorney in […]